The Vajazzle Treatment. Vajazzle is a combination of the words "vagina" and "bedazzle" and basically comes down to the blinding of your venus hill.
I flipped through a booklet I was given containing all Vajazzle designs and chose one that would appeal to me, beautiful and practical. Dora shaved disinfected and defatted my venice hill with alcohol and then the design was put in place. She rubbed her hands to warm them and laid them on the design. Warming her hands and pushing on the design, she repeated about 10 times to make sure that it was properly attached. The Vajazzle is with me it's 6 days now and I do not have to take too much of it. The pebbles do not feel annoying, it does not mess in my pants, it just feels good. I actually forget that I'm Vajazzled, until the moment I have to pee, pull my pants down and shine the bling towards me. 'Oh yeah!' I think, then, how beautiful!" It's not like I'm staring at my vagina all day in the mirror and think "what's she beautiful!" But I really feel a bit more beautiful and seductive. My body is so smooth and soft, and I have a nice icing in my pants. It just feels like a kind of secret that I have, and going to the toilet is now extra fun, haha! I just feel totally happy when I come back from the toilet. I'm glad I finally did a Vajazzle, I am very pleased with the result. I think it's especially important that you feel more confident, sexier and seductive. It gives you a self-confidence boost, even if you are the only one to see your Vajazzle.
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